A Message from the Green Schools National Network Executive Director
Dr. Jennifer Seydel

Every once in a while, I see the future.

Forget the crystal ball and the tarot cards – in this particular case, my vision of where we’re all headed was triggered by a group of sixth graders at Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, NY and a young man who has single-handedly started a green movement in his school.

The sixth graders’ teacher, Chris Dolgos, and his colleague, Alexis Stubbe, will be presenting a poster at the Green Schools National Conference in March. That’s the good news. The better news: the entire class will be accompanying these inspiring teachers!

Alexis and Chris’ poster focuses on their students’ creation of a school-based Greenprint (its official title is “Planning for Future Success: Crafting a Greenprint for YOUR Sustainable School.”). I’m pleased to say they were inspired by the GSNN Greenprint document. You can access the document here.

The kids didn’t know until recently that they would be traveling to Virginia Beach, so Chris enlisted my help in announcing their participation via a Go-To-Meeting call a few weeks ago.

It was such fun. The kids continue to be very excited about attending the conference’s Student Summit (“They’re still walking on air,” reports Chris), and we, of course, are excited for them.

My other future green star is Colter Adams, who attended our Student Summit last year. According to his parents, Colter dove headfirst into the deep end of the green school pool after returning from the summit, recruited 16 peers, found a faculty sponsor, and got permission from his principal to plant a school garden. He was inspired by a garden kit given to him by the folks at Growums, one of our Sacramento conference sponsors.

colter on the way back from the summit

This fall, his group has built a website, created a blog, and conducted a student-designed soil research project with their science teacher. They have applied for two grants to fund their big goals an expansion of their garden, building a nature trail and sending at least five students to our conference in Virginia Beach. (Where do I sign this kid up as a GSNN staffer??)

How can we not be inspired by this youthful enthusiasm? These young people are committed, energized, and working for the good of their schools and the planet.

Yes, I have seen the future — and it’s greener than ever!
