A GreenPrint™ for
becoming a Healthy,
Equitable, and
Sustainable School

What is the GreenPrint™?

We developed the GreenPrint™ to serve as a road map as you plan your school or district’s journey to become healthy, equitable, and sustainable. This tool will help you diagnose strengths and challenges, plan strategically, analyze progress as you implement change, and adjust course in response to emerging issues or priorities.
Implementing the core practices found in the GreenPrint is hard work and heart work. It is also energizing work and our hope is that the GreenPrint will inspire and empower you, your team, your stakeholders, and your funders.
Our GreenPrint™ is informed by
three Core Beliefs:

Systemic Change Endures


Everyone Is A Leader & A Learner
We believe that every member of a school community is a leader and has a voice and hand in creating healthy, equitable, and sustainable schools.
Four Impact Systems that Drive Whole School Transformation

Holistic Impact Systems
Our GreenPrint™ offers a road map for holistic transformation based on four key systems:


Culture & Climate

Curriculum & Instruction

Three Spheres of Influence Impact
the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability

A GreenPrint Partner is a school or school district that is intentional about where, what and how student learn to create a sustainable future:
- Health: Policies and practices that contribute to students cognitive, physical, and mental well-being.
- Equity: Policies and practices that distribute resources, access, and opportunities fairly and justly so that all faculty, staff and students can thrive.
- Environment: Policies and practices that work to save financial resources while decreasing the school community’s environmental footprint.