Apostle Islands National Lakeshore “G-WOW Changing Climate, Changing Culture Teacher Institute”, July 15-18, Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center and surrounding national forest, Apostle Islands, and tribal communities. http://fyi.uwex.edu/nglvc/climate-change-institute/
Designed for teachers and educators to increase climate literacy and ability to outreach to students through use of place-based and scientific climate change investigation and application through service learning. The Institute integrates place-based evidence of climate impacts on traditional cultural practices of the Lake Superior Ojibwe people with the latest climate science and is based on the G-WOW Changing Climate, Changing Culture Model www.g-wow.org. Participants work toward designing a climate service project with their class. No charge to attend. Participants can receive a $400 stipend, credit, and transportation funds to bring their students to a national park for climate change field experiences. This year’s featured presenters include John Magnuson- Co-Chair of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impact Science Council, Peter and Lisa David- Wild Rice Specialists and Jim St. Arnold-TEK Specialist with the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC), Maria Janowiak-Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Bob Krumenaker-Superintendent, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (AINL), and Cyrus Hester-Bad River Tribal Natural Resources Dept. Alumni teachers from the 2012 Institute will be available as mentors. Agenda and registration materials available at URL above. This Institute a partnership between the UW-Arboretum and the AINL, GLIFWC, US Forest Service, UW-Extension, and the Friends of the Center. This Institute is funded through a grant from the National Parks Foundation. Enrollment deadline extended to July 10.
Earth Partnership for Schools Indigenous Arts and Sciences Watershed Institute, July 29-August 2, Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center and surrounding communities and tribal lands. http://fyi.uwex.edu/nglvc/earth-partnership-for-schools/ This Institute is offers training for teachers, community educators, and youth to create “mentor teams” that will learn how to apply traditional ecologic knowledge of the Lake Superior Ojibwe and western science to promote watershed stewardship within their communities. This year’s Institute features 2-tracks. One will be taught by UW Instructional Communications Professor and Bad River Tribal member Patty Loew who will train teams in how to create educational videos to document watershed stewardship practices and techniques. Video documentaries will be made of the Institute’s watershed restoration training. The second track features in-depth water quality testing and watershed restoration practices that can be applied on a community level. UW-ERC Wave Action Volunteer Program Coordinator Kris Stepenuck will provide water quality training. Application info is available at the URL above. Field experiences include investigation of water quality issues and opportunities within the Bad River Watershed from its headwaters at Caroline Lake (near the proposed G-TAC open pit iron mine site) to the Kakagon Sloughs at Lake Superior where we will offer a boat tour of the Bad River Tribe’s traditional wild rice beds. Participants can receive 3 graduate credits from UW. This Institute is a partnership between the USFS, AINL-NPS, GLIFWC, UW-Extension, and the Friends of the Center. Enrollment deadline: July 10.