The 2016 Green California Summit comes to the Sacramento Convention Center April 21-22. The tenth anniversary of this unique annual event comes at a time when California’s aggressive efforts to combat climate change and, at the same time, grow a vibrant economy have gained attention and admiration throughout the world. The strategies, best practices and technologies that can support continued progress toward the state’s green goals will be highlighted in education sessions, award presentations and Pre-Summit training.


Dr. Juliet Christian-Smith will be the keynote speaker for the opening session of the Summit on the morning of April 21. A climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, she is the author of A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy (Oxford Press, 2012) and an editor of the journal Sustainability Science. 


More learning opportunities are available to all attendees in an Expo featuring scores of green products and services, including a Green Auto Mall. These exhibits offer attendees hands-on exposure to new technologies as well as opportunities to speak with staff from government agencies that design and administer green programs. Keynote and Expo registration is free to all attendees.


The summit is developed with leadership from an advisory board composed of leaders from state and local government and the private sector. The board is co-chaired by CalEPA Secretary, Matt Rodriquez and Government Operations Secretary Marybel Batjer. Sponsors include the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District, Toyota, Energy Upgrade California, Sacramento County, the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District, Energy Focus and the Sacramento and East Bay Clean Cities coalitions.


Pre-Summit Training

Pre-Summit seminars on April 20 will address vital topics. California’s building codes are updated on a triennial basis, and daylong workshop will review the 2016 updates to CALGreen and the Energy Code. This session will include an overview of how the codes fit into the state’s emission goals and what can be expected in future evolutions as the state moves toward the goal of mandatory Zero Net Energy construction.


The Pre-Summit will also include a Zero Net Energy workshop from New Buildings Institute that is open to all registrants. This session is aimed particularly at business officers, facility managers, administrators and other stakeholders who set the course for school facility projects. It will provide tools to help plan and advocate for ZNE buildings, resources for creative financing, planning, and integrating curriculum into new school buildings and retrofits.


Concurrent Education Sessions

On April 21 and 22, more than 30 concurrent education sessions will address a range of topics relating to green policy and practice, from codes and standards to water conservation, green schools, funding sources for energy projects plans and sustainable purchasing.


A number of education partners are engaged in thse organizing sessions. The Clean Cities Sacramento and East Bay coalitions are hosting a day of sessions focused on clean transportation, including updates on EVs and EV infrastructure. The California Department of General Services will present a series of sessions on green purchasing. USGBC California will present a track focused on green building strategies and challenges. Staff from ARB will cover EV infrastructure and incentives, the California Building Standards Commission will cover code updates, and program specialists from the California Energy Commission will discuss the latest updates to Prop 39. These presenters will be joined by dozens of sustainability experts from a range of disciplines, from project funding to water conservation.



The conference includes an Expo on April 21-22, featuring more than 100 companies offering green products and services, from lighting solutions and flooring to water conservation technologies. The Expo will include a Green Auto Mall, with the opportunity to discover new vehicles for both personal and commercial use, as well as charging stations and other transportation services. Several companies will be bringing fuel cell vehicles to the Auto Mall, reflecting the fact that this technology is moving rapidly toward broad implementation.


Special Events

Registration for the Expo and keynote session is free, and no-cost registration also enables attendees to participate in special events during the Summit, including an Opening Reception from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm on April 20 in the Expo and the annual Leadership Awards reception from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on April 21. A keynote breakfast on April 8, featuring State Architect Chet Widom, offering insight into energy innovation in California schools, will also be open to all.


Established in cooperation with the Advisory Board for the Green California Summit, the annual awards highlight and celebrate successful state and local government projects implemented in California during the previous year. All nominated projects must be publicly financed and executed, and must have provided a measurable benefit to the natural or human environment. A nomination form can be found here.


More Information

For more information about the Summit, or to register online, visit Early registration discounts are available, and additional discounts are available for groups of four or more. For details, call 626.577.5700.