Events and Competitions
2020 Green Schools Conference and Expo
The eleventh annual Green Schools Conference and Expo will be held at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland, Oregon, March 2 – 4, 2020. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and network with educational leaders, green building professionals, nonprofit partners, and others who are passionate about the future of green schools. Learn more about conference programming and registration packages. Both full and daily conference passes are available.
2020 Nature-Based Early Learning Conference
The Natural Start Alliance’s annual conference is the nation’s largest professional event for teaching, administration, research, educator preparation, and advocacy in nature-based early learning. This year’s conference will take place July 29 – August 1, 2020 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Take part in engaging presentations, experiential workshops, site tours, and professional networking with nature-based early childhood professionals from around the country and beyond.
The sixth annual national Carton 2 Garden Contest, sponsored by Evergreen Packaging, is accepting registrations. Open to public and private schools, contest winners will be selected based on their implementation of an innovative garden creation featuring creative and sustainable uses for repurposed milk and juice cartons. Your school can get started by collecting at least 100 empty cartons from home, the community, or the cafeteria.
Fifteen entries will be selected to receive award packages for their efforts. Entries are due April 1, 2020 by Midnight PST.
Citizen Science Association 2021 Conference
Save the date! The 2021 Citizen Science Association Conference will be held May 25 – 29, 2021 in conjunction with Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society. The conference provides a venue for citizen science researchers, practitioners, community members, and theorists to come together and share knowledge and best practices in the interest of advancing the field of citizen science. Educators engaging in citizen science in their classrooms are encouraged to attend and take advantage of the workshops, events, and networking opportunities offered during the conference.
EDspaces is the gathering place for architects, dealers, preK-12 schools, colleges and universities, independent manufacturer representatives, exhibitors, and corporations to learn about trends and experience the latest products and services to enhance student learning. This year’s conference will be held November 11 – 13, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Present at EDspaces 2020! The deadline to submit a proposal is March 10, 2020.
National Environmental Education Week (EE Week)
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)’s National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) is taking place April 20 – 24, 2020. EE Week is the nation’s largest celebration of environmental education. Each year, NEEF partners with educators, students, government agencies, businesses, communities, nonprofit organizations, and others to inspire environmental learning and encourage stewardship of our essential resources: land, air, and water. Visit the website for resources and to learn how you can participate in this year’s event.
National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
The 10th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference will be held April 20 – 24, 2020 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hosted by the National Farm to School Network, this biennial event convenes stakeholders engaged in farm to cafeteria activities who are working to source local food and promote a culture of food and agricultural literacy across the country. Early bird registration is open until February 28, 2020.
North American Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference – Save the Date
The 49th North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) annual conference will be held in Tucson, Arizona from October 13 – 17, 2020.
For more than four decades, NAAEE has convened one of the leading annual conferences for environmental education professionals, designed to promote innovation, networking, learning, and dissemination of best practices. The annual Research Symposium, held in advance of the conference, attracts new and established researchers to examine in-progress EE research and promote dialogue between researchers and practitioners.
Present at NAAEE this year! The Call for Presentations is open until March 23, 2020.
PBL World is an immersive three-day conference for K-12 teachers, instructional coaches, and school and district leaders who want to begin or advance their project-based learning practice and connect with a community of their peers. Hosted by PBLWorks, PBL World’s workshops actively engage attendees in deep, focused, real work with peer collaborators. Registration is open for the 2020 conference, which will be held in Napa Valley, California from June 16 – 18.
Professional Development and GSNN PD Partner Resources
The Biomimicry Institute is the world’s leading nonprofit dedicated to innovation inspired by nature. Biomimicry offers an exciting project-based approach that helps teachers blend STEM and environmental education in creative, hands-on lessons students love. The Biomimicry Institute helps educators and organizations bring biomimicry into their teaching by providing curriculum and training, networking opportunities, and content development support. Learn more about our services and visit the online library, AskNature, for the resources and information you need to bring biomimicry into your teaching practice.
Upcoming Programming
Inspired by Nature: Biomimicry as a Framework for GreenSTEM Education
March 4, 2020
Oregon Zoo, Portland, Oregon
This hands-on workshop will focus on how educators can use biomimicry as a framework to teach standards-aligned content while empowering our next generation of problem-solvers to think differently about nature, engineering, and a sustainable future. The workshop will begin with an interactive introduction to the topic of biomimicry, including indoor and outdoor activities. Participants will then experience the biomimicry design process firsthand as they work in small groups on a design challenge. Activities and resources from Biomimicry Institute’s Youth Design Challenge will be featured.
Cost: $100. Register here.
Calling All Educators!
Registration for Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge coaches is open until March 1, 2020. Educators who register as coaches gain access to challenge curriculum and resources that can be used to integrate biomimicry study into classroom instruction. Register here.
Captain Planet Foundation supports educators with grants, resources, tools, and models to spark children’s curiosity, cultivate a love of nature, and engage students in science and engineering practices to solve real-world problems. Our programs and materials have co-evolved with education priorities over the years to ensure educators have the tools and strategies to meet their needs in and out of the classroom.
Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation
The Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF) was founded in 2003 on the principle that education for sustainability is essential for today’s K-12 students. CELF programs use real-world problem-solving to prepare students with the holistic thinking skills and motivation to become agents of change for a healthier, more stable, and sustainable future.
Upcoming Programming
CELF Annual Summer Institutes in Education for Sustainability
The Annual CELF Summer Institute in Education for Sustainability (EfS) is an intensive multi-day workshop that enables teachers to integrate the concepts of sustainability into their existing curricula. The Institute equips K-12 teachers with practices and teaching methods to address the core concepts of EfS – the intersection of social, economic, and ecological systems – and how the balance of those three systems is vital to a sustainable future and relevant to all subject areas.
New York and Houston, Texas Locations!
In partnership with Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York (July 13-16, 2020) and New York University, Wallerstein Collaborative for Urban Environmental Education and Sustainability (August 2020)
In partnership with the University of Houston, Clear Lake and Lone Star College Kingwood (dates coming soon)
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education works with schools and school districts to help them integrate Education for Sustainability (EfS) into their curriculum. Core services include consulting and leadership development (on-site and off-site); professional development and faculty coaching; curriculum design, assessment, mapping, and alignment; and school and community partnerships. The Cloud Institute holds an annual Summer Design Studio that enables educators, administrators, and program designers to learn how to design and embed EfS into curriculum, assessments, and programs.
Upcoming Programming
2020 Sustainability Symposium – Education for Sustainability Introduction and Master Class
April 29 – May 2, 2020
All Saints Anglican School, Australia
The Cloud Institute is hosting a four-day Education for Sustainability (EfS) curriculum design studio in conjunction with the 2020 Sustainability Symposium. The EfS curriculum design studio includes an introductory session and three days working with internationally recognized EfS pioneer Jaimie Cloud. Educators, administrators, and program designers learn how to design and embed EfS into curricula, assessments, and performance tasks without the need for additional class time. Attendees get access to expertise, resources, and tools to reorient and enrich curricula. Through working sessions, learning circles, coaching, peer review, and optional mini-sessions, attendees receive support as they create and develop units and protocols that educate for sustainability. Learn more and register.
Summer Curriculum Design Studio: Educating for a Sustainable Future
August 3 – 7, 2020
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
Join the Cloud Institute for a five-day curriculum design studio where educators, administrators, and program designers will learn how to design and embed Education for Sustainability into curricula, assessments, and performance tasks without the need for additional class time!
Held at the beautiful Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, you will get access to expertise, resources, and tools to reorient and enrich curricula. Through working sessions, learning circles, coaching, peer review, and optional mini-sessions, you will create and develop units and protocols that educate for sustainability.
Come yourself or bring a team! Space is limited. Learn more and register today.
Community Works Institute (CWI) directly supports K-16 educators and schools in making their local community the focus and context for powerful student learning experiences. CWI’s work with educators is focused on using the local community as the classroom through the lens of place-based service-learning, sustainability, and social justice. CWI particularly emphasizes student voice and reciprocity in its program design work. Since 1995, CWI has provided powerful on-site support and professional development for educators around the globe, including its acclaimed annual Summer Institutes in Brooklyn and Los Angeles. CWI’s Summer Institutes are the longest running professional development events of their kind. CWI also provides resources for educators, including its digital magazine Community Works Journal.
Upcoming Programming
Early bird and team rates are available for all Institutes. Scholarship support is available on a need basis. Please see CWI’s website for additional information.
Saturday, February 29, 2020, 8:30am – 4:30pm
Brooklyn, New York
CWI’s 2020 Summer EAST Institute on Place Based Service-Learning, Sustainability, and Social Justice
June 22 – 26, 2020
Brooklyn, New York (in partnership with Berkeley Carroll School and Otis College of Art and Design)
CWI’s 2020 Summer WEST Institute on Place Based Service-Learning, Sustainability, and Social Justice
July 27 – 31, 2020
Los Angeles, California (in partnership with Otis College of Art and Design)
EcoRise offers engaging, hands-on professional development to K–12 educators across the United States. Check out our Eventbrite page for a current list of teacher workshops and events that connect and empower educators to ignite the next generation of green leaders. EcoRise PD sessions cover a wide range of topics, including our bilingual, standards-aligned sustainability and design curricula; our green building curriculum, which prepares high school students for the workforce; and our Eco-Audit Grant program, which encourages student innovation through student-facing micro-grants. Learn more about EcoRise’s leading-edge curricula and programs at
Facing the Future is an international program, based out of Western Washington University, creating tools for educators that equip and motivate students to develop critical thinking skills, build global awareness, and engage in positive solutions for a sustainable future. The curriculum is organized around eight sustainability big ideas: Connecting with Nature; Equity and Justice; Health and Resiliency; Interconnectedness; Local to Global; Peace and Collaboration; Respect for Limits; and Universal Responsibility.
Facing the Future curriculum materials and resources are available for K-12 teachers, teachers in colleges of education, and for some community college and undergraduate classes. All materials are developed for teachers, by teachers, with best teaching and learning practices in mind and are aligned with Common Core Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and most state standards frameworks.
Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program
The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (Fulbright TGC) is a year-long professional development opportunity for elementary, middle, and high school teachers to develop skills for preparing students for a competitive global economy. Fulbright TGC equips teachers to bring an international perspective to their schools through targeted training, experience abroad, and global collaboration. Activities include:
- Global education online course: Fulbright TGC fellows complete a rigorous, semester-long online course focused on best practices in global education.
- Global symposium: Fulbright TGC fellows gather in Washington, D.C. for an in-person professional development workshop to build networks, collaborate, and develop strategies to enhance world learning.
- International field experience: Fulbright TGC fellows travel abroad for two to three weeks to experience another country’s culture and education system and promote mutual understanding.
- Capstone project: Fulbright TGC fellows create a global education guide that serves as a resource for their local community to build global awareness and mutual understanding.
The deadline to apply is March 18, 2020. Visit the website to learn more about this opportunity, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.
Green Strides Webinar Series Calendar
The Green Strides Webinar Series provides school communities with the tools they need to reduce their schools’ environmental impact and costs; improve health and wellness; and teach effective environmental education. It provides all schools access to the resources that help them move toward the Pillars of the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools recognition award. Sign up for Green Strides Webinar Series email updates to receive information on future webinars.
The Art and Science of Teaching Climate Change
Presenter: Shannon Subers
Date and time: Wednesday, April 1st, 2020, 7:30 p.m. EST
Want to cover climate change in the classroom, but not sure where to start? You’re not alone. A recent NPR/Ipsos poll showed that less than half of K–12 educators surveyed tackle climate change in their classrooms. In this webinar, educators will learn strategies to communicate climate change principles that can be applied to any classroom. Through practical, inquiry-focused activities, teachers will gain tools to navigate one of the most important environmental issues of our generation.
The Joy of Garden-based Education
Presenter: Cathy Law
Date and time: Wednesday, April 8th, 2020, 7:30 p.m. EST
Kids are just happier when they are outside learning. Using mother nature as a laboratory setting is an incredible way to engage students in first-hand study of the principles of ecology, geology, and climate change. You will learn the fascinating science behind the social, psychological, and physiological benefits of using gardens to teach. Besides, donning a big grin, students learn scientific concepts more effectively when performing hands-on investigations outside, so their grades soar. Outdoor-based education is a sure way to nurture global citizens for the stewardship of our planet. You can’t go green without going teen!
Earth Partnership: Indigenous Arts and Sciences: Connecting STEM to Indigenous Science
Presenters: Michelle Cloud and Cheryl Bauer-Armstrong
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020, 7:30 p.m. EST
The spring walleye harvest is the time when frogs begin to sing, snow turns to water, and maple sap is ready to tap. Tribal elders speak of the rich knowledge generations of Indigenous people have acquired by close observation and learning from local plants and animals. Understanding and respectfully acknowledging the interrelationships of phenomena and events in the natural world in a reciprocal and respectful way and honoring those relationships is the basis of traditional ecological knowledge. Contemporary First Nations youths, and all young people, could benefit from understanding the natural world and their relationship with it. A deeply collaborative approach between tribal, university, and K–12 partners has the potential to invigorate Indigenous youths in science endeavors, make STEM more relevant to them (and their peers), and foster positive school cultures.
Earth Partnership at the University of Wisconsin-Madison convened the expertise of elders and community members from Ho-Chunk, Bad River, Lac du Flambeau, Lac Courte Oreilles, and Red Cliff Nations with university social, physical, and life scientists to develop a culturally relevant environmental education program to improve experiences in science learning.
The resulting Indigenous Arts and Sciences is an approach to environmental science education that engages Indigenous wisdom and scientific processes rooted in respect and reciprocity. While these are distinct from the more linear and chronological traditions of Western science, there are intersections at which Western sciences and traditional ecological knowledge can meet and interact with one another to their mutual benefit.
This webinar is a story about Earth Partnership’s Indigenous Arts and Sciences—how it began, how our collaboration works, and what we have learned (and are still learning) along the way.
A product of the U.S. Green Building Council’s The Center for Green Schools, Learning Lab provides K-12 teachers and school leaders with comprehensive, project- and STEM-based curriculum that encourages student leadership, environmental literacy, and real-world action. Discover best-in-class content, training, and tools. Access their curated catalogue of lesson plans, interactive projects, assessment opportunities, and other multimedia resources in English and Spanish. Lessons are mapped to meet current educational standards and were created by educators, for educators.
PBLWorks (the brand name of the Buck Institute for Education) believes that all students – no matter where they live or what their background – should have access to quality project-based learning (PBL) to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life. Through teacher workshops, district partnerships, and PBL Institutes, PBLWorks provides tools, resources, and professional development and networking opportunities to help teachers and school and system leaders design, facilitate, and implement high-quality PBL.
Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit organization educating for a sustainable future. That means learning that links knowledge, inquiry, and action to help students build a healthy future for their communities and the planet. Its home campus is a 1,400-acre working farm, forest, and National Historic Landmark. Shelburne Farms’ school programs staff support student learning and educator professional development by offering experiences that inspire deep connections to community and a commitment to a healthy future.
Upcoming Programming
ABCs of Farm-Based Education
March 27 – 29, 2020
Are you looking to build a farm-based education program, or inspire your existing programming? At this workshop, you’ll fill your toolbox with kid-tested, educator approved activities, as you join a community of peers from around the region. Spend three days in hands-on, discussion and activity-based learning and explore Shelburne Farms’ dairy, farmyard, garden, and forest classrooms. Experience activities from Shelburne Farms’ publications Project Seasons and Cultivating Joy and Wonder as we discuss ways to engage school groups and farm visitors. In addition to activity sharing and program development, we’ll discuss tips for creating a safe learning environment and will have ample time for getting to know one another and our respective farm-based education sites.
Learn more and register for this workshop.
Project Seasons for Young Learners: Cultivating Joy & Wonder
July 13 – 17, 2020
Join us for a week of fun and learning on the Farm while using the Big Ideas of Sustainability to inspire your curriculum with fresh ideas. We will use lots of hands-on activities, protocols, and shared learning to examine how these ideas can instill a deep love and appreciation for the natural world in you and your students. Rediscover your own curiosity and joy by connecting with peers; engaging with our farmyard, forest, lake, and wetlands; and learning practical activities and pedagogy you can easily employ in your own place.
Cost $575. Includes light breakfast and lunch; excludes accommodations and graduate credit. Scholarships may be available on a need-based scale. Learn more and register here.
Education for Sustainability: Summer Institute
July 27 – 31, 2020
Spend five rich days with colleagues from around the country at an informative and restorative institute created to give you the opportunity to deepen your understanding of education for sustainability. This week is part conference, part workshop, part retreat. The 2020 Summer Institute will use the lens of sustainability to focus on health and the environment. Topics might include: Individual to Global Wellness, Food and Health; and Health in the Climate Crisis.
Cost $600. Includes light breakfast and lunch; excludes travel and graduate credit. Limited on-site accommodations are available on a first come, first serve basis. Scholarships may be available on a need-based scale. Learn more and register here.
Education for Sustainability Immersion
August 13 – 14, 2020
For those who already have a strong foundation in education for sustainability, our two-day Immersion will provide you with the opportunity to reflect, learn, and collaborate with a small group of colleagues from across the country in a residential, retreat-like setting here at Shelburne Farms. The Immersion has a design studio feel with participants self-directing much of their work with a few inspirational speakers and workshops/explore times. Expect to take a deep dive into such topic areas as place-based education, social justice, systems thinking, or other topics in the field of education for sustainability that are important to you. This course is action-oriented with an expectation at the end that each participant has a solid project or curriculum to implement.
Cost $375. Includes meals and accommodations; excludes graduate credits. Limited to 16 participants. Scholarships may be available on a need-based scale. Learn more and register here.
Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI) is a nonprofit that builds leaders to drive climate solutions. For over 20 years, SEI’s focus has been on building capacity to create sustainable communities through scalable programs and models. Its flagship programs (Energize Schools, Energize Colleges, School of Environmental Leadership, and Climate Corps) integrate climate education, training, and career development. From young students to emerging professionals to communities, SEI programs engage local talent to directly address their community’s sustainability goals by leading projects with measurable environmental, economic, and social benefits.
Susan Santone is an internationally recognized educator with over 20 years of experience in curriculum reform, educational policy, and sustainability. Through her nonprofit Creative Change Educational Solutions, Susan has led teacher education and curriculum reform initiatives with clients ranging from K-12 districts to universities to the United Nations. Susan offers facilitator training to prepare school and university teams to lead professional development in their own settings; leadership development and strategic communication to advance understanding of sustainability and social justice; and consultation services for schools, universities, and other entities.
Learn more about online courses that Susan has developed in partnership with Kappa Delta Pi: Introduction to Sustainability and Introduction to Social Justice.
Teaching Our Cities Practice Toolkits
Teaching Our Cities, a project of Common Ground, is creating a collection of toolkits that share best practices that are working at partner schools. Toolkits include videos, blog-style reflections, resources, and practice descriptions. Current toolkits cover teaching a sense of place, learning expeditions, green exhibitions, environmental leadership portfolios, and magnet theme days.
Meaningful Family Engagement in Green Schools Related Resources
Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships
From Countless studies demonstrate that students with parents actively involved in their education at home and school are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level programs, graduate from high school, and go on to post-secondary education. Beyond the Bake Sale shows how to form these essential partnerships and how to make them work.
Packed with tips from principals and teachers, checklists, and an invaluable resource section, Beyond the Bake Sale reveals how to build strong collaborative relationships and offers practical advice for improving interactions between parents and teachers, from insuring that PTA groups are constructive and inclusive to navigating the complex issues surrounding diversity in the classroom.
Written with candor, clarity, and humor, Beyond the Bake Sale is essential reading for teachers, parents on the front lines in public schools, and administrators and policy makers at all levels.
Engage Every Family: Five Simple Principles
From Family engagement increases student achievement but how do schools connect with families who don’t participate yet? Educators can easily become frustrated trying to reach the disconnected and often fall back to engaging the already engaged. Is it possible to win over everyone? Discover how to move beyond theory to change your culture for better family engagement and student achievement. Through practical steps, reflections, and case studies, you will discover and address:
- How and where family engagement breaks down, and
- How to create a truly inviting culture for successful community and family partnerships
Created in 2000, Families in Schools is a nonprofit that’s dedicated to involving parents and communities in their children’s education to achieve lifelong success. The organization offers training and professional development programs to help schools foster authentic parent engagement.
Family Engagement: A Guide to Tools, Strategies and Resources
This guide is intended to help school planning teams refine their family engagement strategies and clarify what they are trying to do, why, and how. It includes strategies and tactics that are rooted in the research of what works and a curated collection of tools and resources.
Family Engagement Toolkit: Continuous Improvement through an Equity Lens
This toolkit, developed by the California Department of Education, provides schools and school districts with practical planning and evaluation tools that support efforts to engage all families, particularly those of underrepresented and underserved students. Most of the information and resources in the toolkit are universally applicable to all schools and school districts.
Handbook on Family and Community Engagement
This handbook contains short articles that cover research and promising practices in family engagement and fictional vignettes of challenging situations involving parents and educators.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Parents for Healthy Schools is a compilation of resources and tools to help schools, school groups, and school wellness committees encourage parent engagement in school health. Resources include fact sheets, a guide with training and evaluation materials, and an e-learning course.
Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
This paper presents a framework for designing family engagement initiatives that build capacity among educators and families to partner with one another around student success. Based in existing research and best practices, this framework is designed to act as a compass for the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. Three case studies of duel capacity-building are included.
Powerful Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Families for Student Success
From Teachers and administrators will learn how to create the respectful, trusting relationships with families necessary to build the educational partnerships that best support children’s learning. The book will cover the mindset and core beliefs required to bond with families, and will provide guidance on how to plan engagement opportunities and events throughout the school year that undergird effective partnerships between families and schools.
This report examines the inner workings of California school districts as they try to meet the parent engagement expectations of the Local Control Funding Formula. Drawing on thirty interviews with district leaders and staff members, the report is an honest and highly specific portrait of the very real challenges of parent engagement.
School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action (Fourth Edition)
From When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students′ education, more students succeed in school. Based on 30 years of research and fieldwork, this fourth edition of a bestseller provides tools and guidelines to use to develop more effective and equitable programs of family and community engagement. Written by a team of well-known experts, this foundational text demonstrates a proven approach to implement and sustain inclusive, goal-oriented programs. Readers will find:
- Many examples and vignettes
- Rubrics and checklists for implementation of plans
- CD-ROM complete with slides and notes for workshop presentations
Seeing is Believing: Promising Practices for How School Districts Promote Family Engagement
This Harvard Family Research Project issue brief describes core district level components necessary for systemic family engagement, policy recommendations, and examples of promising practices and lessons learned in six school districts.
Toolkit of Resources for Engaging Families and the Community as Partners in Education
This four-part toolkit brings together research, promising practices, tools, and other resources to guide educators in strengthening partnerships with families and community members. Topics covered include building an understanding of family and community engagement, building a cultural bridge through cross-cultural communication, building trusting relationships with families and communities, and engaging families and community members in data conversations.
Grants and Awards
ASM Materials Education Foundation K-12 Education Grants
The ASM Materials Education Foundation awards 20 grants of $500 annually to help K-12 teachers bring the real world of materials science into their classrooms. “Living in a Material World” grants recognize creativity and enhance awareness of materials science and the role that materials play in society. Teachers must describe a hands-on, curriculum-based K-12 project that involves student observation, teamwork, mathematics, and science skills that enhance student awareness of the everyday materials around them. The deadline for applications is May 25, 2020.
The Braitmayer Foundation is interested in proposals utilizing innovative practices in K-12 education throughout the United States. Of particular interest are:
- Curricular and school reform initiatives.
- Preparation of and professional development opportunities for teachers, particularly those which encourage people of high ability and diverse background to enter and remain in K-12 teaching.
Grants are awarded up to $35,000. Applications for 2020 grants should be submitted online between February 1 and March 15. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process, view past recipients, and to apply.
Brower Youth Award for Environmental Leadership
Earth Island Institute established The Brower Youth Award for Environmental Leadership in 2000 to honor renowned environmental advocate David Brower and recognize the outstanding leadership efforts of young people who are working for the protection of our shared planet. Youth environmental change leaders ages 13 to 22 (as of May 1, 2020) living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, some Caribbean Islands) and U.S. “Territories” are encouraged to apply. Applications are due Friday May 1, 2020 at 9 pm PT.
Each of the six recipients of the Brower Youth Awards will receive a $3,000 cash prize, a professionally produced short film about their work from an Emmy award-winning film crew, and flight and lodging accommodations for a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. During their stay, recipients will participate in coaching, visioning, leadership activities, and speaking and media engagements. The week of activities culminates in an awards ceremony in front of more than 800 guests in San Francisco on October 13, 2020.
Captain Planet Foundation ecoSolution Grants
The Captain Planet Foundation’s ecoSolution Grants (previously called “Small Grants”) have been the defining basis of the organization’s work over the last 25 years. The Foundation has funded over 2,100 projects that have impacted 1.2 million youth around the world – actively fulfilling its mission to build the next generation of environmental stewards and change agents.
ecoSolution Grants range from $500 – $2,500 and are intended to support solution-oriented, youth-led projects that result in real environmental outcomes. Visit the website to learn more about eligibility and restrictions and to fill out an application. The next grant cycle opens on March 15, 2020.
Captain Planet Foundation ecoTECH Grants
Originally developed in partnership with the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and with ongoing support from Voya Financial, ecoTech Grants are specifically offered to engage children in inquiry-based, STEM-related projects that leverage technology and/or use nature-based design to address environmental problems in local communities. ecoTech Grants were created to combat the notion that students needed to choose between “the screen” or “the green” and to encourage educators and students to explore the role technology can play in designing and implementing solutions to some of our most pressing environmental challenges. ecoTECH grant projects must:
- Be based in the U.S.
- Integrate the use of technology to address environmental problems (not iPads or other tablets)
- Be project-based
- Be youth-led
- Result in real, demonstrable environmental outcomes
ecoTECH grants are available as cash grants of up to $2,500 and support the purchase of materials and other project implementation expenses. The next grant cycle opens on March 15, 2020.
Dorothy Stout Professional Development Awards
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers gives these professional development awards to faculty and students at two year colleges and to K-12 teachers in support of:
- Participation in Earth Science classes or workshops
- Attendance at professional scientific or science education meetings
- Participation in Earth Science field trips
- Purchase of Earth Science materials for classroom use
Awards of $750 are made annually in three categories: Community College Faculty, Community College Student, and K-12 Educator. Award winners are also given a one-year membership to the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, which includes an online subscription to the Journal of Geoscience Education and the In The Trenches magazine. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2020.
EDspaces 2020 Scholarship Program
EDspaces 2020, to be held November 11 – 13, 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers critical education content combined with an opportunity to make meaningful connections to help you, your facility, and your students thrive. The EDspaces Scholarship covers registration and hotel accommodations for facility planners, superintendents, purchasing officers, and related staff employed by schools, districts, colleges, and universities. Scholarship recipients receive access to professional development, exhibits that showcase innovative solutions, and numerous networking opportunities. The deadline to submit an application is April 30, 2020.
GetEdFunding is a curated collection of grants and awards created by education professionals for education professionals. Its database was designed to be easy-to-use and reliable, and all grant and funding opportunities are updated daily. Users can search by six criteria, including 43 areas of focus, 8 content areas, and 14 twenty-first century themes and skills, including environmental literacy. Once registered on the site, users can save grants of interest and return to them at any time.
Gloria Baron Prize for Young Heroes
Each year, the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes recognizes young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people, their communities, and our environment. The 25 winners each receive a $10,000 cash award to support their service work or higher education. Winners of the Barron Prize also receive:
- Personalized plaque and certificate of recognition
- Signed copy of The Hero’s Trail, by Barron Prize founder T.A. Barron
- Dream Big, a documentary film featuring several Barron Prize winners
- Young Heroes activities guide and bibliography
- The opportunity to connect with other Barron Prize winners through the Young Heroes online forum
- Numerous media opportunities – print, television, and radio
Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. MST on April 15, 2020.
International Young Eco-Hero Awards
The nonprofit Action For Nature (AFN) created the International Young Eco-Hero Awards to recognize and reward the successful individual environmental initiatives of young people ages 8 to 16. To be considered, projects must address environmental health, advocacy, research, or protection of the natural world, be action-based, and self-initiated. Winners will be selected by a team of independent judges with experience in environmental issues.
Applications for 2020 are being accepted through February 28, 2020. Visit the website to learn more about eligibility requirements, judging criteria, prizes, and how to apply.
The InvenTeam initiative, created by the Lemelson-MIT Program, offers an unparalleled opportunity for high school students to cultivate their creativity and experience invention. InvenTeams are teams of high school students, teachers, and mentors who receive grants of up to $10,000 each to invent technological solutions to real-world problems. Up to 15 teams are selected for grants each school year. Each InvenTeam chooses its own problem to solve. Funds may be allocated for research, materials, and learning experiences related to the project. Funds may not be used to purchase capital equipment or professional services (e.g., intellectual property legal protection, engineering services). All teams are expected to present and showcase a working prototype of their invention at EurekaFest, held at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, in June of their grant year.
Initial applications for 2020 InvenTeam Grants are due on April 6, 2020.
McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Teacher Development Grants
McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Teacher Development Grants support small teams of teachers in the formation and implementation of groundbreaking K-12 classroom instruction. These grants provide opportunities for teachers to integrate fresh strategies that encourage critical inquiry and to observe their effects on students. Teachers have an opportunity to reflect and write about their projects, as well as to share their results with other teachers. The Foundation awards grants to individuals in amounts of up to $10,000 per year for a maximum of $30,000 over three years, provided the eligibility requirements continue to be met.
Apply early! Submissions are accepted January 15 – April 15. The application system closes once 350 submissions are received.
The Power of Youth Challenge, an initiative of America’s Promise Alliance, invites youth from across the country to bring positive change to their communities by leading social service projects. Teams made up of at least three young people, ages 13 to 18, will have access to a mini-grant of up to $250, with the amount determined by project needs. Teams who complete their projects will be eligible to apply for an accelerator grant of up to $5,000 to grow their projects over the next year. The deadline for team registration is June 30, 2020. Visit the Power of Youth Challenge website to review the eligibility criteria and application process.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching recognizes teachers who develop and implement high-quality instructional programs that are informed by content knowledge and enhance student learning. They are the highest honors bestowed by the U.S. government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. Established by Congress in 1983, the President may recognize up to 108 exemplary teachers each year. Since the program’s inception, more than 4,800 teachers have been recognized for their contributions in the classroom and to their profession.
Recipients of the award receive:
- A certificate signed by the President of the United States.
- A paid trip to Washington, D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities.
- A $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.
- An opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation.
This year’s awards will honor science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teachers working in grades K – 6. Applications must be submitted by May 1, 2020.
Project Green Schools Green Difference Awards
Project Green Schools is a leading national nonprofit organization, developing the next generation of environmental leaders through education, project-based learning, and community service. Our Green Schools Society (grades K-12) and National Youth Council (grades 5-12) honor and develop bright, civic-minded, environmentally literate citizens in schools and communities. Project Green Schools is excited to announce our 12th Annual Green Difference Awards honoring Principals, Teachers, Advisors, Students, Citizens, Schools, School Groups/Clubs, and our Sponsors nationally and internationally at our annual event on May 28, 2020. The deadline to submit your nomination is March 27, 2020.
Salad Bars to Schools launched in 2010 with the mission of donating salad bars to U.S. schools so that every child has daily access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Any district or independent school participating in the National School Lunch Program is invited to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit the website to learn about eligibility, award criteria, and the application process.
Siemens 2020 Possibility Grant Sweepstakes
Enter the Possibility Grant Sweepstakes daily for your chance to win $10,000 for STEM at your school! “Fab” your lab with the latest and greatest gadgets, or purchase top-tier technology and supplies for STEM students. One school will be selected as our Grand Prize Winner in May 2020. The Grand Prize will consist of a $10,000 Siemens Possibility Grant, awarded in the form of a check made payable to the winning school and intended to be used by the school for a science lab makeover and/or STEM-related equipment, supplies, or technology. Eligible educators may enter the sweepstakes once per day until April 28, 2020.
The Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) was founded in 1997 by the Stockholm International Water Institute to complement the Stockholm Water Prize. The SJWP is considered the world’s most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project. Any high school student in grades 9 – 12, who has reached the age of 15 by August 1 of the competition year and has conducted a water-related science project, is eligible to participate in the competition.
Teams of up to three students may enter. Projects should enhance quality of life through improvement of water quality, water resources management, or water and wastewater treatment. Projects can explore water issues on local, regional, national, or global scales. It is essential that all projects use a research-oriented approach, which means they must use scientifically accepted methodologies for experimentation, monitoring, and reporting, including statistical analysis. Entries into the SJWP competition will be judged based on six criteria: relevance, creativity, methodology, subject knowledge, practical skills, and report and presentation.
Note: All students must enter the State SJWP Competition first. National competition entries are open to State winners only.
The entry deadline for the 2020 competition is April 15, 2020.
Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants
Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants support educators who embrace and embed anti-bias principles throughout their schools. These grants, ranging from $500 – $10,000, support projects that promote affirming school climates and educate youth to thrive in a diverse democracy. Grants fund projects on three levels: classroom, school, and district. Educators nationwide in public or private K-12 spaces, as well as in alternative schools, therapeutic schools, and juvenile justice facilities, are eligible to apply.
Applications for Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants are reviewed on a rolling basis. There is no deadline to apply.
Toshiba America Foundation Grants
Do you teach in an elementary school classroom? Do you have an innovative idea for improving math or science instruction in your classroom? Is your idea project-based learning with measurable outcomes? What do you need to make learning math and science fun for your students?
K-5 teachers are invited to apply online for a $1,000 Toshiba America Foundation grant to help bring an innovative hands-on project into their classroom. With a Toshiba America Foundation grant, elementary teachers can bring their best new teaching ideas to life.
Grant applications are due on October 1st each year.
Grants are also available for teachers in grades 6-12 who are passionate about making science and mathematics more engaging for their students. Applications for grants less than $5,000 are accepted at any time. For grant requests of more than $5,000 deadlines are May 1 and November 1.
Voya Foundation grants are focused on Financial Resilience. We work to ensure that youth are equipped with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) expertise and financial knowledge necessary to compete in the 21st century workforce and make smart financial decisions that lead to a secure retirement.
We accomplish this by accepting year-round grant applications from organizations that:
- Provide innovative and experiential K-8 STEM learning opportunities to promote an early interest in STEM career fields and improve teachers’ capabilities in STEM; or
- Provide financial education curriculum to grade 9-12 students focused on navigating major financial milestones including student debt, credit, home ownership, financial products and services/financial capability, and family needs.