The Next Generation Science Standards and Environmental Education Webinar

( The webinar is approximately 2 hours long so the file may take several minutes to download to your computer.

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) represent an unprecedented opportunity for the environmental and sustainability education communities. They promise to dramatically change the focus and pedagogy of K-12 science education in the United States. The good news is that the NGSS are strong on environmental content, much stronger than what is being taught now in the vast majority of schools across the nation. It is not a given, however, that the transition to the new standards will occur widely or quickly. Organizations and individuals interested in education about the environment and sustainability issues can help states and school districts that are planning to implement the NGSS. This participation may ultimately influence the degree of penetration of the NGSS, and embedded environmental content, buy ambien from canada into the nation’s classrooms.

Featured Guests: 

  • Dr. Stephen Pruitt, Senior Vice President, Content, Research and Development, ACHIEVE
  • Dr. Juliana Texley, President-elect of National Science Teachers Association
  • Gilda Wheeler, Program Supervisor for Environmental and Sustainability Education at the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Dr. Gerald Lieberman, Director, State Education and Environment Roundtable
  • Kevin Coyle, National Wildlife Federation
  • Gerald Lieberman, State Environment and Education Roundtable
  • Jim Elder, Campaign for Environmental Literacy
  • Judy Braus, North American Association for Environmental Education

 SEER developed and supports implementation of the EIC Model™, an educational system that interconnects “best practices” into an instructional tapestry that improves student achievement by using local natural and community surroundings as a context for learning.

    SEER was the principal consultant for the design and development of California’s Education and the Environment Initiative. Recently approved by California’s State Board of Education, the curriculum was developed under the auspices of the California Environmental Protection Agency. It can be viewed