Green Schools National Network (GSNN) is seeking student artwork and poetry to feature in the Summer 2020 issue of Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly. The Summer 2020 issue marks the first time that we will be prominently featuring student work in one of our publications.

We are looking for original artwork and poetry that responds to this prompt:

Throughout history, artists have used various mediums to express their values, ideas, and beliefs in a tangible way. Contemporary artists are using art to express their feelings about a range of social and environmental issues. Using your artistic medium of choice (poetry, painting, sculpture, photography, etc.), create a piece of art/poem that reflects 1) your point of view concerning an environmental/social justice topic of your choosing and 2) your hope for a sustainable, just future.

Artwork submissions should be in the form of a high resolution photo (greater than 1MB in file size). Poetry submissions should be sent as a Word document. All submissions should include student name, school, and grade level, as well as the title for their work.

The deadline to submit artwork and poetry is May 1, 2020. All submissions and questions about this opportunity should be sent to Cyndy Merse, GSNN’s Director of Communications, at