A Message from the Green Schools National Network Executive Director
Dr. Jennifer Seydel
Planning for the future is not just a useful exercise, it’s a critical need. And that’s why I’m so very pleased to announce that our strategic planning process is soon to get underway.
In the next few weeks, we’ll be reaching out to key stakeholders, organizing focus groups, and sending out surveys to gather the information to assess where we are and where we need to go.
Our governing boards, partners, sponsors, and many, many others can expect to hear from us as we ask the questions every organization must ask: do our mission and our message truly reflect who we are and what we want to do? Do we have reasonable goals? Do we have the resources to accomplish those goals?
Another critical question for the Green Schools National Network: What do we bring to the national conversation about green schools? Given the many wonderful organizations involved in the development of healthy, sustainable schools, what should be our role?
We will have our first strategic planning session in December to chart the course for this process. We look forward to the opportunity to think deeply and hear from you about our place in the green school universe.
We know this process will be productive and, in some ways, cathartic. After all, taking the time every once in a while for a little self-examination is good for the soul, isn’t it?