Project-Based Learning Can Make Remote Learning More Meaningful
By. John Larmer Last spring’s experience of “emergency remote teaching” left many students feeling disengaged from their education. Removed from their classrooms and classmates and missing face-to-face interaction with teachers, it was hard to find the motivation to...
Of Pivoting and Plastic
By. Melanie Master Reprinted with permission from Green Teacher #124, Summer 2020. Learn more about Green Teacher’s nonprofit magazine and books at
The Fundamental Importance of Integrating Equity into Sustainability Curriculum
By. Sari Beth Rosenberg To create a sustainable future, we need to create equal opportunities for all. Education is an important tool in this mission. Goal Ten of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is “reducing inequalities.” Yet, the equity component of...
Tackling Food Waste and Food Insecurity During a Pandemic: A Student-Led Approach to a Community Food Crisis
By. Natalia de los Ríos Hot, cheesy pizza sliding into the trash can – that’s how my journey into food waste and food insecurity began. During my ordinary pre-COVID-19 high school life, I often arrived at the supermarket after a sports practice or a game just in time...
Adaptation in the Time of COVID-19: Making Big Decisions to Ensure Equitable Access to Virtual Learning
By. Dr. Kay Sturm As I write this, teachers are preparing for the unknown landscape of virtual or hybrid education in the 2020 – 2021 school year. For many teachers, summer was cut short from an average two-month to a hopeful one-month reprieve, with preparations,...
Reimagining the Potential for Virtual Learning: Lessons Learned from a Place-Based, Experiential High School Program
By. Andy Barker As Project Director of an immersive, place-based, experiential high school program, I was as unprepared as anyone for school to shift online last spring when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Vermont. I often say that our program, the Burlington City...
Welcome Back! A letter from our Executive Director
‘Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.’ –Stephen Hawking Back to school this fall is, well, complex. There have been years when I’ve pulled up some of my previous “back to school” letters and made a few tweaks. That’s not possible this year. We are in...
Changing the Perspective on Implicit Bias in Education
By. Al Johnson There’s an elephant in the room that we need to talk about. It’s called implicit bias and it’s alive and well in our nation’s schools. In a nutshell, implicit bias refers to attitudes and stereotypes we unconsciously hold about people, ideas, and...
Social Justice and Language Arts
By. Christopher Greenslate Reprinted with permission from Green Teacher #80, Winter 2007. Learn more about Green Teacher’s nonprofit magazine and books at
In Search of Culturally-Sensitive Sustainability Policies and Programs
By. Jill Buck Is the Green Schools Movement Equitable? I don’t believe that any group involved in the green schools movement is intentionally insensitive to communities in Environmental Justice (EJ) areas or food deserts. I do believe that leaders of the movement...