Glacier Creek Students Prepare for a World Without Fossil Fuels

Glacier Creek Students Prepare for a World Without Fossil Fuels

By. Kelly Chadesh, eighth-grade science teacher, Glacier Creek Middle School   Some of the most exciting moments that happen in a classroom take place when the teacher takes a step back and the students become the teachers. When students take the lead and feel...

Nighttime Adventures

By. Brad Daniel and Clifford Knapp   Reprinted with permission from Green Teacher #93, Summer 2011. Learn more about Green Teacher’s nonprofit magazine and books at...
Students Transform Nutrition Curriculum through Top Chef Competition

Students Transform Nutrition Curriculum through Top Chef Competition

There are many good reasons to make fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean meats more appealing and accessible to students participating in school food programs. For one, the health of our nation’s children is at stake. Diseases such...