The Green Schools National Network (GSNN) owes a great deal of its success and reach in the education community to the dedicated men and women who sit on our Board of Directors. With that, I am pleased to introduce GSNN’s two newest Board members: Stefan Anderson and...
In December 2015, delegates from nearly 200 countries gathered in Paris, France with a singular goal: to reach a resolution on cutting greenhouse gas emissions in a global effort to curb the effects of climate change. This massive meeting, otherwise known as the...
By. Cyndy Merse, GSNN Content Writer The start of a new school year is an exciting time for students, full of anticipation and promise. This statement is especially true for the K-5 students in Arlington, Virginia attending Discovery Elementary School. Not...
By. Joe Biluck, Director of Operations and Technology, Medford Township Board of Education Day in and day out, schools rely on energy to power their operations and ensure students have access to the technologies they need to succeed in the classroom. Given the...
By. Roxie Brown, Program Manager, The Solar Foundation The Solar Foundation (TSF) is an independent nonprofit organization, based out of Washington DC, which was founded in 1977. The mission of TSF is to increase understanding of solar energy through strategic...
By Mike Walker, President, AlterAction Inc. Would you leave every light in your school building on when you walked out the door each afternoon? Probably not, but typically this is what happens with computers. They sit idle, drawing power and costing your...
By. Leisha John, Americas Director of Environmental Sustainability for EY As an environmental sustainability professional and a proponent of greening schools, I am inspired by the ingenious and innovative ways in which schools are approaching sustainability. I am...
Events Education Summit: How can we build community resilience through education? How can we build community resilience through education? Join other educators and students at an Education Summit focused on this question. The Education Summit is on April 6, 2016, day...
Happy New Year! I always look forward to the opportunities a New Year presents and 2016 has me excited for the possibilities that lie ahead. Green Schools National Network (GSNN) is starting down a new path this year in advancing the green schools movement. One of...