Nourish Uses Food Literacy to Connect Classrooms and Communities

Nourish Uses Food Literacy to Connect Classrooms and Communities

Society is obsessed with food. From farmers’ markets and farm to table restaurants to celebrity chefs and cookbooks galore, it is clear that the United States loves to eat. But do we really know the story of our food? Food insecurity and food deserts are real concerns...

Green Classroom Tips for Back to School Success

The month of August is often known as the “dog days of summer.” For parents and their students, August is also that time when thoughts turn to back to school and the long list of supplies needed to start the school year off on the right foot. Shopping for school...

Gearing up for a Green(er) School Year

It’s mid-July, and as sunny summer days stretch on, teachers, principals, facilities managers, business officers and others involved in K-12 schools are already looking ahead to fall. The school year may start after Labor Day in most communities, but the planning...

How to spend your summer vacation

A message from the Green Schools National Network Executive Director As we race to the end of another academic year, many people not familiar with how highly functioning schools work imagine that teachers and administrators soon will be skipping out of the building...
Proving Geothermal in Upstate New York

Proving Geothermal in Upstate New York

At the Indian River School District, we’re used to figuring things out on our own. That is, until we heard about the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge.     We joined the program because it motivated us to aim for the goal of reducing...

Schools Can (and Will) Create a Green, Sustainable Future

A message from the Green Schools National Network Executive Director I recently received an email from young parents who had a three-year-old and a baby on the way. They were in the market for their first home, and while exploring the local housing market, they hoped...

Thanks to Our Green Dream Team!

Another Green Schools National Conference has come and gone, but the enthusiasm and energy remain. Our fifth annual event was a true team effort, thanks to the many partners who helped make our time in Virginia Beach a remarkable gathering. Top of the list is the GSNN...

Green Schools National Conference: Building the National Movement

2015 Green Schools National Conference Report by Paul Chapman Since the Green Schools National Network was launched in 2010, I have attended each of the five national conferences, and this year’s gathering in Virginia Beach, Virginia demonstrated that the national...