Sure, we all know where it is geographically, but this blogger wants to know why it didn’t make the Green Ribbon Schools award list. We’re wonderin’, too… more info…
Looking to really dig into the info and excitement at the Green Schools National Conference? Make your presence in the West Palm Beach community more meaningful on Friday, February 22, as you join others at the Howard Park… Community Center and help plant a...
Hear all about it….from great speakers! Need more reasons to attend the Green Schools National Conference? What about our fabulous slate of featured speakers? You’ll meet Susan MacMurchy (above), President & Creative Director of Big Blue Fish. Susan helped to...
We’re proud to announce our latest Emerald sponsor, Organic Valley. If a company is going to make a difference in today’s world, it’s going to have to think differently. Organic Valley’s philosophy and decisions are based on the health and welfare of people, animals...
With spring just around the corner, what better way to teach your students about plants, the environment, and healthy eating choices than by growing classroom mini-gardens? Growums is making it easy and affordable by offering a complete Educational Gardening package...