By. Kate Bartholomew I’ll admit. I am a neophyte right now. While I’ve been an educator for over 20 years, last year was my first teaching ninth- and tenth-grade science at New Roots Charter School in Ithaca, New York. Before that, my teaching career was spent in a...
By. Dr. Floyd D. Beachum Systemic Racism Many people in the United States are calling for the examination and elimination of systemic racism. I define systemic racism here as racism that is historical, individual, institutional, and cultural. In the United States,...
By. Frederick Remelius When my good friend Tracy Enger at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) referred me, a 40-year veteran of facilities management, to do an article for Green Schools National Network about how I planned to handle COVID-19 at...
By. Rochelle Rubinstein Reprinted with permission from Green Teacher #118, Winter 2019. Learn more about Green Teacher’s nonprofit magazine and books at...
By. Phoebe Beierle The novel coronavirus has disrupted business as usual across the globe, and the disruption of the K-12 education system is having ripple effects throughout the economy. School buildings were abruptly abandoned in mid-March as staff and students were...
By. Tracy Washington Enger and Mary Jo Errico, Ph.D. Children spend much of their time in schools, which, on average, are more crowded than many other indoor spaces. In fact, schools often have four times the population density of a typical office, which can have a...
By. Valerie Ziegler The Green Academy Every year, the senior class of the Green Academy at Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco is asked, “What environmental problem in your community would you like to address?” When the program began in 2012, the first few...
By. Shannon Oliver Walking the halls of North Mor Elementary School in Northglenn, Colorado, the design advisory group makes note of various building components for bond planning: movable partition walls (some of which don’t move well), operable windows that no longer...
By. Nathan Graf San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD), located in San Antonio, Texas, operates around 145 daily school bus routes that serve almost 50,000 students. The diesel exhaust emitted by school buses that travel these routes each day is problematic...