Time Out(side): Schoolyards Inspire Learning and a Sense of Place

I developed my first real connections with the outdoors long before assuming my present role as the executive director of the Green Schools National Network.  As a child on my aunt and uncle’s farm, I was moved by the magic of nature in many ways, but one experience...
Growing Green Students in the Sustainable Schoolyard

Growing Green Students in the Sustainable Schoolyard

By. Naomi Hershiser, Dean of Environmental Learning, Prairie Crossing Charter School (Illinois)   Second graders pull carrots from the soil, comparing sizes and shapes with each other as they unearth the orange roots.  They enjoy the fresh crispness of their...
Celebrate the Joy and Wonder of Schoolyards this May

Celebrate the Joy and Wonder of Schoolyards this May

By. Sharon Gamson Danks, CEO of Green Schoolyards America and co-founder of the International School Grounds Alliance   **This article was originally published as a blog post for the Children & Nature Network in May 2014 and has been updated for the May 2016...