Virtual Learning Resources for Sustainability-Minded Educators
Green Schools National Network remains steadfast in its commitment to provide K-12 schools and districts with the resources and support they need to educate for sustainability during this time of virtual learning. On this page, we have assembled a selection of age-appropriate lessons from our PD Collaborative Partners and others that are well-suited for virtual learning. We vetted these lessons against a set of criteria we developed that looks at aspects such as deeper learning, 21st century skill building, authenticity, and sustained inquiry using a real-world context.
Resources for Grades K – 5
ITZA is a youth-focused digital learning platform that empowers independent learning centered around environmentalism, sustainability, and worldwide cultural history. They provide students and...
Sustainable Economics: The Triple Bottom Line
In this project-based unit of study, students consider their roles as consumers and producers through the lens of the triple bottom line of sustainability. In the first half of the unit, students...
What Can We Do with All This Stuff?
In this lesson, students consider the idea of “zero waste” and their part in making this a reality. Students go on a waste hunt to survey and document items that are thrown away. Then, using the...
Speaking Out
In this lesson, students learn about taking civic action for a cause they care about, identify an environmental issue they want to address, and develop a campaign that they can implement to create...
Project Hero Pollinator Quest
In this project-based learning experience, students learn about the vital role that pollinators play in our food chains and ecosystems, identify pollinators that live in their region and the threats...
How Can We Take Care of Our Commons?
In this lesson, students learn what a Commons is, how to take care of a Commons, and the importance of everyone doing their part to keep their Commons healthy and beautiful. They apply this learning...
Resources for Grades 6 – 12
ITZA is a youth-focused digital learning platform that empowers independent learning centered around environmentalism, sustainability, and worldwide cultural history. They provide students and...
In this curriculum (17 lesson plans and a Food Citizen Action Project), students explore critical food system issues related to human health, the environment, equity, and animal welfare. The...
Sustainable Economics: The Triple Bottom Line
In this project-based unit of study, students consider their roles as consumers and producers through the lens of the triple bottom line of sustainability. In the first half of the unit, students...
Marine Ecology, Human Impacts, & Conservation
In this curricular unit (nine lesson plans), students learn about marine ecology, human impacts on the ocean, and ocean conservation to develop a better understanding of the health and importance of...
Peak Water: Mount Everest and Global Water Supply
In this curricular unit (three lesson plans), students learn about sources of fresh water and watersheds and develop an understanding of water scarcity and the impact of human activity on water...
Menacing Microbes
In this curricular unit (three lesson plans), students learn how communities prevent and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases. After analyzing a historical case study, students select a...
Social Justice Resources
Overview Developed by University of Southern California Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education, IWitness is a classroom tool that provides teachers and students access to...
Facing History and Ourselves
Overview Facing History and Ourselves aims to “use lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.” This resource integrates the study of history,...
TreeSnap lets you contribute to the study of tree health and resiliency by tagging trees around your home, in your neighborhood, and out in the wild. It’s as simple as snapping a photo of a tree and...
Water Quality Mobile App
Use the Water Quality mobile app to record, share, and interpret water-quality monitoring data. You can also use the app to learn more about chemical (e.g. dissolved oxygen, E. coli, pH, nitrate,...
iNaturalist is one of the world’s most popular nature apps. Use the app to record observations, learn about nature by talking with others in the iNaturalist community, and connect with scientists...
National Wildlife Federation Nature Guide Apps
The National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Nature Guide apps are “field guides for the 21st century.” Each guide is jam packed with features including expert-curated content, high-quality professional...
GLOBE Observer
The GLOBE Observer app lets citizen science volunteers contribute data to the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program, an international science and education...
Merlin Bird ID
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Merlin Bird ID app is a virtual field guide with over 6,000 bird species found in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Upload a photo of a bird,...
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