Wanted! Technical Reviewers Needed for the Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly
Now’s your chance to play a role in bringing the Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly to life! We are seeking technical reviewers to join our editorial team and help us review and provide critical feedback on content submitted for publication in the Green Schools Catalyst...
Designing Water Purification for a Better World
By. Brian Acheson, Chelmsford High School How can students learn about engineering while engaging in a discussion about their impact on the world? Introducing empathy into the design of a simple water filter can get teenagers to think not only about themselves but...
GSNN Educator’s Toolbox: Events, Professional Development, Resources, Grants, and Awards for August 2019
Events and Competitions 2020 Green Schools Conference and Expo Save the date! The tenth annual Green Schools Conference and Expo will be held at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland, Oregon, March 2 – 4, 2020. Registration for the conference will open in Fall...
Sustainable Design for a Bountiful Future
By. Ben Wheeler Reprinted with permission from Green Teacher #90, Fall 2010. Learn more about Green Teacher’s nonprofit magazine and books at
A Work in Progress: Design Thinking as a Framework for Developing and Leading New Approaches to Learning
By. Dina Sorensen and Maria Burke This brief essay isn’t intended to reiterate the long history of design thinking as best expressed by the brilliant David Kelley, founder of IDEO and the Stanford, as there are numerous resources readily available for...
New GSNN Board Member’s Environmentalist Mindset Informs Passion for Green School Design
By. Cyndy Merse, Director of Communications and Membership, Green Schools National Network William “Billy” Almond was destined to be an environmentalist. Born and raised on the oceanfront in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Billy spent many hours of his childhood outdoors....
Human-Centered Design Drives Student Learning at One Stone
By. Caitlyn Scales, Allison Fowle, and Megan Kittridge What is One Stone? One Stone launched in 2008 as a nonprofit supporting after school experiential service opportunities for high school students (grades 9-12) seeking deep involvement in sustainable outcomes to...
Design Thinking and Student Travel: Tools to Craft a More Sustainable World
By. Adam White, Atlas Workshops To build a more sustainable planet we need new perspectives. We need to reframe the global challenges of climate change, consumption, and waste, and develop ideas that can change the way the world functions. Design thinking is an...
Dreaming a New Way to Teach STEM in K-12 Schools
By. Timothy B. Baird, Ed.D. DREAMS Education (Design, Research, Engineering, Art, Math, and Science) is one of the newest educational models to evolve out of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) movement. STEM’s roots go all the way back to the...
This Teacher Turned Her Holiday Wish List into a Buzzing Community Initiative
By. Rachel Felous This article was originally published on February 28, 2019 by Teton Science Schools. It's reprinted here with permission from Teton Science Schools and the author. View the original article here. It was over a snack time conversation that fourth...